Friday, September 27, 2013

Finally, A Metallica Movie !

Metallica will always have a special place in my heart. Why ? They were the first band I ever listened to that made me feel cool. Growing up being the unpopular kid, being cool was something I wanted to be. Being cool on my own terms, not cool by everyone's standards. Somehow their music, can't explain why, just made me feel cool. I mean Metallica is cool. Even though they have skewed away from their thrash metal roots a bit, they are still cool. Hell, they managed to make Lou Reed cool for one album. Don't underestimate Metallica's coolness factor.

Let's make something crystal clear before I go on with the review, "Some Kind Of Monster" is not a Metallica movie. Even after a decade, I still don't know what it is. It looks like someone wanted to cash in on a failed attempt on a television documentary. While I'll admit it was well shot and showed a more softer side of the band, it's still not a Metallica movie.

"Through The Never" is a Metallica Movie.

I love concert films, bottom line. It's a lost art. Nobody worth a fuck does them anymore. Let's get something straight, the Katy Perry, One Direction, And Justin Bieber films are not concert films. "Elvis In Concert", "The Song Remains The Same", and "Let There Be Rock" are concert films. A concert film, simply captures the intensity of a live show on film. Some have failed, some have succeeded. Metallica in this case have overly succeeded. From the moment Ennio Morricone's "The Ecstasy Of Gold" plays, the same goosebumps I had back in '08 when I seen them came back. That feeling set the bar high for this film.

Since this is a concert film, I figure I should share the setlist:
The Ecstasy of Gold,
Creeping Death, 
For Whom the Bell Tolls 
Ride the Lightning, 
The Memory Remains 
Wherever I May Roam
 ...And Justice for All,
 Master of Puppets
Nothing Else Matters
Enter Sandman
Hit the Lights 

Pretty good right ? Metallica has always been known come up with great setlists. They rotate every night. I love when a band does that. That shows, they are willing to go the extra mile to ensure every show is special. At the end of end, you've got to give them props for that. There are only a few bands that will do that. 

Aside from typical, obvious cinematic scenes during the concert itself; it's mainly a Metallica show. The stage is a bit different. It's still in the round but it's a huge LCD screen. My favorite (without spoiling) was when Doris made her appearance. Ain't seen her since the Justice days. Lastly, another favorite stage effect; when the "Master Of Puppets" crosses came out from the stage. It was pretty eerie and cool to see this in 3D.

The actual movie portion involves a roadie. The roadie has to get to a truck that's run out of gas. With gas can in hand, he makes his way through the city to get this truck back on the road. He also has to retrieve a "important item" for Metallica. And as your typical journey fare goes, chaos ensues during his mission.

You couldn't have picked a better band to do a 3D movie. I mean it's Metallica ! These guys are known for putting on one of the best shows on earth. If you've seen them, you know what it's all about. If you haven't seen them, then obviously you don't get it. Even after 30 years, their shows are still intense. To capture on film, is a major achievement. The problem with concert films sometimes is that the intensity of the show gets lost. That problem is not relevant here.

For a 3D film, the cinematography is outstanding. Some of those shots where outstanding. I don't see have of this stuff in normal movies. That's sad......but true.

When it's all said and done, this is the film "Pink Floyd The Wall" should have been.

After seeing this film, I can't wait to see what Metallica has for us in the future. They recently started a record label "Blackened Recordings", which allowed them to acquire all of the right of their albums. Hoping to see some remastered reissues in the future. That, and they are suppose to have a new album come out either next year or the year after. If there's one thing for sure, when it comes to Metallica, it'll be an event not to be missed. My faith in the almighty 'tallica has been restored because of this film.

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